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Text File | 1997-04-29 | 7.6 KB | 183 lines | [ttro/ttxt] |
- Changes in Galactica version 1.1.2 since version 1.0.8
- ===================================================================
- Major Differences
- ===================================================================
- Many Bugs have been fixed. Please see the section on Bug fixes for a full list.
- Added Event Report window that shows a detailed description of everything that occured
- during the last End of Turn. Use Cmd-E to show and hide it.
- Combat is now calculated differently. The population of your planet helps to defend it, so
- heavily populated planets are harder to take over. Also, a low tech ship will do a small amount
- of damage to a high tech ship, so a big tech advantage is no longer a guarranteed win (but it's
- still pretty important).
- Ship damage is now automatically repaired at planets while they are docked.
- You can now scrap ships from within the Ships in System panel. Ships must be at a
- planet before they can be scrapped.
- Added a Patrol mode for ships that gives them a defensive bonus while in star systems.
- Systems protected by patroling ships are shown with a circle around them.
- Added a New Ship Destination feature for star systems. Use this to have newly built ships
- at particular star system automatically head to a choosen destination
- Added keyboard equivalents for many commonly used buttons.
- Brightness of objects in the starmap now represents their tech level. Using buttons
- found at the bottom left of the starmap, you can also make brightness represent production
- capacity; defensive strength; or spending on growth, ships or research.
- Many other improvements have been made. See the section on Changes for a full list.
- ===================================================================
- Bug fixes
- ===================================================================
- Version 1.1.2
- 1. Actually fixed the -19 error bug that I thought was fixed in 1.1.1. Really. No lie.
- Version 1.1.1
- 1. Fixed a bug that was causing some people to get -19 errors around turn 60. This would in turn
- make it difficult to continue the game, often causing other errors as the game progressed.
- Version 1.1
- 1. Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if you closed a game document while in the middle of
- plotting a course within it. Since quitting closes the game docs, the problem occured when
- quitting as well.
- 2. Fixed longstanding bug in waypoint insertion. Successive clicks on add button while a waypoint
- is selected no longer add the new waypoints in reverse order.
- 3. One of the CURS resources for the animated cursor was marked as purgeable, so it was
- occasionally getting purged, making the animated cursor display garbage for that frame.
- Fixed.
- 4. Midi intro music now fades out correctly on 68k machines.
- 5. You can now close a message before the sound finishes playing.
- 6. Ships no longer zoom off to 0,0 (the black hole effect)
- 7. Blocklike characters no longer appear in About Box and documentation text on 68k machines.
- 8. Clicking on the intro screen now always closes it.
- 9. While plotting course, highlighted object is now actually in front, so selecting overlapping
- items now works much more intuitively.
- 10. Fixed column alignment in Player Comparison window
- 11. Fixed crash when swapping courses in and out of ship memory
- 12. No longer possible to have game assign same name to two different star systems.
- ===================================================================
- Changes
- ===================================================================
- Version 1.1.2
- 1. Added a new button to the Shareware registration window. Now the Register button will
- automatically launch the Register application.
- Version 1.1
- 1. Improved Yin/Yang busy cursor now uses 8 frames instead of 4 for smoother spinning.
- 2. Moved End Turn to Game menu where it really belongs.
- 3. Removed Page Setup and Print from the File menu. They didn't do anything, so why have them?
- 4. Holding down option will now let you drag the starmap around to save you having to go to the
- scroll bars.
- 5. The starmap now autoscrolls when you are plotting a course and go close to the edges.
- 6. "New" in the File now has cmd-N as it's keyboard equivalent, and "Next Item" is now cmd-G.
- 7. Added a balloon help button to make it easier to turn on and off balloon help. The Help key on
- extended keyboards now brings up the online documentation.
- 8. Added a next turn button to make it easier to end the turn.
- 9. The bottom of the screen now has a small space where the names of buttons are displayed
- as the mouse passes over them.
- 10. Plus and Minus keys on the keyboard and keypad now serve for zoom in and zoom out.
- 11. Brightness of objects in the starmap now represents their tech level. Using buttons
- found at the bottom left of the starmap, you can also make brightness represent production
- capacity; defensive strength; or spending on growth, ships or research.
- 12. Population growth is now more correct, and your home planet starts with 1 billion people,
- and system's population is now shown in the system info window
- 13. Ship damage is now shown in the ship info window.
- 14. Ship damage is now automatically repaired at planets while they are docked.
- 15. Added keyboard equivalents for many commonly used buttons.
- 16. Added a Zoom to Fit button that makes the entire starmap fit in the available space.
- 17. Added a Patrol mode for ships that gives them a defensive bonus while in star systems.
- Systems protected by patroling ships are shown with a circle around them.
- 18. Bright white brackets are now used to show the selected item.
- 19. Added a New Ship Destination feature for star systems. Use this to have newly built ships
- at particular star system automatically head to a choosen destination
- 20. Ships now show their planned movement vectors at all times, even when docked at a planet.
- 21. Double-clicking on a ship now works like selecting it and pressing the Add Destination button.
- 22. Added sound for colonizing new planet.
- 23. Hilighting of target item is now done by inverting the color, which helps it stand out more.
- 24. Arrow keys work to change selection in lists in the nav panel and ships in system panel.
- 25. You can now scrap ships from within the Ships in System panel. Ships must be at a
- planet before they can be scrapped.
- 26. The full course of a ship is now shown on the starmap when it is selected.
- 27. Number of turns to destination is now shown both when plotting a course and in the
- waypoints list.
- 28. Recompiled with CodeWarrior 10
- 29. Added Event Report window that shows a detailed description of everything that occured
- during the last End of Turn. Use Cmd-E to show and hide it.
- 30. Reworked language support. There is now a blue diamond menu that lists the names of
- all language modules available in the "Modules" folder and lets you switch between
- languages on the fly.
- 31. To avoid a ticket from the Human Interface police, I changed from cmd-N to TAB for show
- next item.
- 32. Added more ship and star system names.
- 33. When a ship calls in, the picture of the ship fades slightly and a description of why it
- is calling in appears overlaid on the picture.
- 34. Combat is now calculated differently. The population of your planet helps to defend it, so
- heavily populated planets are harder to take over. Also, a low tech ship will do a small amount
- of damage to a high tech ship, so a big tech advantage is no longer a guarranteed win (but it's
- still pretty important).
- 34. Added multi-level grid that automatically displays finer or courser grids as you zoom in
- and out. Still no grid numbers though, sorry.
- 35. Added Apple Guide based online tutorial that comes up in place of welcome window if
- Apple Guide is available. If it isn't, the original Welcome window comes up.